Saving Major Wiggles

Please note this series is not intended for children. It contains adult themes, adult humor, and mild adult language.

Saving Major WigglesA persnickety major.
A giant mole who wants to play games.
A war over a contractual dispute.

Major Wilbur Wiggles doesn’t know it yet, but all four of his older brothers have been killed in combat. The military brass has tried to notify him, but the Major’s squad has gone dark because their radios are out.

Spotting an opportunity to capitalize on the drama, the Fates summon Gungren for the second leg of his three-part Fate Quest.

They task him with hunting down Major Wiggles on behalf of the army. His goal is to find the man, get him to army headquarters, and then take him back home so that Mrs. Wiggles doesn’t lose her only remaining son.

Whizzfiddle doesn’t like it one bit, feeling the quest is simply too dangerous for his apprentice. Gungren and Whizzfiddle bicker to the point where Gungren storms out of the house. After cooling off a fair bit, Gungren returns to talk things through.

Due to a complete misunderstanding, though, Gungren believes Whizzfiddle yells at him to just go and do the quest on his own.

It’s odd, not to mention rather hurtful, but the tiny giant grabs his duffel bag and sadly walks out the door.

But there’s no time to dwell on his sadness. If he doesn’t succeed, he’ll soon return to being a big, dumb giant. He can’t have that.

It’s just a shame that he won’t have his master there to help him navigate such a challenging quest…or will he?


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Performed by Jus Sargeant
Listen to the sample below…

The Whizzfiddle & Gungren Adventures

A Quest of Undoing
The Kidnapped Prince
Saving Major Wiggles

Other Tales in Ononokin

The Full Moon Event
Bob the Zombie
Gappy's Gadgets
Star Dwarves

Ononokin Big Comedic Fantasy Box Set

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